Amber Goodhew’s Thoughts On the Trip: Wonderful and Humbling 1

We’ve been hoping to get input from other folks in the group about the trip, and finally got someone to bite! Amber Goodhew, a high school student, has joined us on the last two trips, and has quickly become an invaluable member of our group. We’re delighted that she’s taken the time to sit down to share with you some of her thoughts on the mission to Pine Ridge, why she goes, and what to expect. So, here, with no further ado, is her two bits:

Amber working her magic. It often takes so little to bring a little joy into these kid's lives.

Amber working her magic. It often takes so little to bring a little joy into these kid’s lives.

Hello, I’m here to tell you about my wonderful and humbling experience at Pine Ridge Reservation. When this mission trip was first brought to my attention, nearly a year and a half ago, I thought, well why not? Good experience and I can maybe help kids know God a little better. Little did I know my life would be changed for the better.

My first time going out to the Rez I was sent to Wanblee, a small village outside of Kyle, SD near our camp ground. When you pull in this village it’s not all TiPi’s and a bunch of men dancing around in beaded costumes with feather headbands. It’s small houses with boarded up windows, it’s children in week old diapers (who may be 4-6, and should’ve been potty trained,) it’s despair, and hopelessness. The children run around barefoot because they have no shoes. The basketball court and park is full of glass and broken bottles, broken like the spirit of these people. Going into this I didn’t think I would be so attached. The kids you encounter can tell you horror stories you wouldn’t even want to read about. They act out because sometimes, that’s all they see. But if you can get through…you open a door and you see inside the minds of some of the most creative, artistic, beautiful minds you’ve ever came upon. You fall in love with their hearts, and their ability to laugh when they really want to cry, and the way they pull and tug on you just to feel loved. They crave attention because they never receive it. All these kids want is to feel loved, and if you ever come out to the Rez, you’ll see just how easy it is to love them.

Within the first day, no first hour, of playing with the kids I knew I was hooked and would be back. I had the kids making me promise to come back next year, and crying when I told them I couldn’t stay, or couldn’t live with them.

Even the “bad kids” cried and asked why we couldn’t stay forever. That’s when it hits you hardest. When you think you’re not getting through and you think you’re not impacting anyone, you see that even if it was just for five short days, or 20 short hours, you were shining light into a darkness.

I would go back to the Rez every other week if
life would allow it. It’s become a second home and I’ve acquired a second family with my mission trip buddies. I’ve made memories that’ll stick with me forever. I love Pine Ridge Reservation.


Okay, it’s just me (Lloyd) again. Thanks to Amber for taking the time, and to you for reading. Also, I don’t know why that picture is showing up sideways. Once again, I’m defeated by technology. I’ll keep trying, but for now, you’ll just have to tilt your head. Trust me, it’s worth the effort.

One comment on “Amber Goodhew’s Thoughts On the Trip: Wonderful and Humbling

  1. Reply Pam Green Jul 6,2015 8:02 am

    Amber Goodhew that was beautiful and so well said. Yes you put it beautifully Thank you for sharing the truths the speak right to the heart.

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