Yes I’m Coming: More from Chavala Ymker 1

Here’s another look at our annual trip, and some of the things that happen to us out there, from Chavala Ymker. Enjoy!
Yes, I’m Coming
I skid in the dirt at the end of the green slide. As fast as I can, I turn around, my knees on
either side of the slide, hands spread to catch Roseanne. Her face is wrinkled with fear. Tears
gather, threatening to trail down her cheeks. I grin up at her. Suddenly, she grins back, eyes
twinkling with wild joy. Her finger on her tongue, she lets go, trusting me to catch her at the
bottom. Downward she flies, my hands grasping her laughing frame. “Coming?” she runs back
up to watch me slide and catch. Sometimes she gets hurt, but always she turns around,
Today, I climb to the top of the swing set, following her tiny feet up the wooden ladder.
While I stand watching the other kids, Roseanne sits down and slides to the bottom. She stands
up, little hands clapping, and I can see all her baby teeth, “I did it!” I cheer proudly, watching her
repeat her accomplishment. Just knowing I was there gave her the courage to trust not only me,
but herself.
I don’t like cheesy Christian examples, but I can’t help but see the innocent beauty of
what Roseanne taught me. When I’m not trusting God, life is like sliding down a scary slide
without anyone to catch me. If instead, I choose to trust that He will be there, I can lay aside my
fear and let go with wild joy in my eyes. And even when it’s hard, I can still keep walking
knowing He will be there to catch me even if it hurts. No matter what, I will be safe.
  • The more I trust Him, the more I become aware of his faithfulness. Then slowly, I can
    face the world with confidence even when I can’t see Him, because He’s proved himself before.

One comment on “Yes I’m Coming: More from Chavala Ymker

  1. Reply Ellen R Nov 17,2018 4:36 pm

    Hi Chavala,
    Thanks for sharing, that was really sweet and a great insight. I can picture you with the little girl on the slide. And….what you say is so true, trusting God is hard but when we do He does prove himself to us. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 is a verse I cling to when life gets hard for me and I feel that what you say above goes along with the verse, which I’ll type here:

    “Trust in the Lord with all
    your heart and lean not on
    your own understanding. In all
    Your ways acknowledge him and he will
    make your paths straight”.

    I hope to meet you next summer as I’m planning on coming on the trip in June. I’m looking forward to it and I’m sure I’ll have many opportunities to see with my “heart” too. God Bless

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